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Founded 1972 by Joy Post Bennett Midsouth Region, Club # 080040 Instagram account - "coveredbridgepc" Venmo account - Covered-Bridge PayPal - coveredbridgepc@gmail.com (add 3%)
Past and Current Upper-Level Member History - see if you know any of these names!
Missy Camp, District Commissioner, 8888 Hwy.329, Crestwood, KY 40014 502.502-551-8389 missycamp@mac.com Jt-DCs: Anne McMillin mcjuckett@ammatty.com Peggi Bindner pfb5678@aol.com 1308 Meadowridge Trl, Goshen, KY 40026 Treasurer: Mary Smith Secretary: Allison Deaton Barn Managers: See link on the left CT Dressage Chair: Peggi Bindner CT Jump Chair: Megan Northrop, Alyssa Dygraff CT Fundraising: Julie Selking CT Ribbons Chair: Allison Deaton Food Committee: Annie Howard, Emilie Herzig PC Equipment Storage: Paramont Farm
Look!! Before you buy a medical bracelet, read this! Medical Bracelet Requirements for Pony Club
2025 Shows, Clinics, Awards:
Click Show Calendar to get the local and regional happenings. Check back for updates. 2/6/25 version Click below to check out recognition awards for some breeds , TIP (Thoroughbred) cash awards, USEA joint awards with Pony Club and PC discipline awards. https://secure.ponyclub.org/Members/CompetitiveDisciplineAwards.aspx
Save the Dates - 2025: 3/1 - Quiz in Lexington - March 1 - a Qualifying Rally for 2026 Champs 3/16 - CBPC Combined Test show fundraiser - All families needed to help!! 6/17-22 Pony Club Rally and Horse Trial at the Kentucky Horse Park D1, Combined Test, Dressage Rally - 6/17 & 18 Non-Qualifying Eventing - Baby Starter and Starter includes XC - 6/17-19 Qualifying Rally - 6/18-22. Starter>Prelim - exact dates by level TBD. *Starter is now included at Championships with points for AECs when applicable *Note: National Championships are held every other year but members can qualify in non-Champs years for the next year. 12/7 - CBPC Annual Banquet 2026: National Championships & Festival - third week in July
Covered Bridge PC Combined Test -
Venmo is another pay option that is free if you have an account. "Covered-Bridge" Ours shows a bridge with "Covered Bridge" in letters around it. *Add the extra 3.8% up charge if you don't have an account and are using a credit card . Bank account or debit cards are free if you have an account already - same charge as sending a check. Any refunds will be for the full amount that you submitted. Zelle - send to "coveredbridgepc@gmail.com"
2024 CBPC CT trophy winners: The Oteka Brab Starter Trophy - Lucy Stopher Oteka owned the Prospect Horse & Rider store in Prospect for many years. When it closed, she donated the remainder of her inventory to CB resulting in a substantial rainy-day account. Sadly, Oteka passed in 2022. The "Rosie" Beg Nov Trophy - Lucy Stopher Quiz Kids know Rosie the Wonder Pony from her pictures on my mantle which are used to illustrate her breed characteristics along with a few stories about how she was such a trustworthy caretaker of my children. The Joy Bennett Novice Trophy - Kate Schmitz Joy founded Covered Bridge in 1972 with Susan (Lewis Harris) Perellis as an original member. Please click Joy Post Bennett link for her story. The Katie Hagan Training Trophy - Claire Rigney Katie joined CBPC with her daughter Emily in 2005 then stepped up to the plate to be our District Commissioner from 2008-2010, then served as a Jt-DC until 2014. She organized camps & pony club meetings and was always busy helping at our CT and Mega Rally. This trophy was named in her honor after her untimely death in 2017.
Please check out our business sponsors below and give them your support.
Annual Awards and Championships: 2023 & 2024 Pony Clubber of the Year!! - Katherine SternThis perpetual award founded in 1973 is given to the member who has personified the giving spirit of Pony Club by supporting their club, region and/or national organization through their own participation plus contributing their time to help other members during the year.
202 4 CBPC Champs: Winners have accumulated points over the year forattending the Pony Club Rallies and Champs, riding in our Combined Test and had the top results in their divisions and rating levels. D1 - Peyton Seelow D2 - Chloe Anderies D3 - Katherine NaselskerC - Claire Rigney
Huge congrats to Evelyn Juckett for passing her HA! She and Aisling Carroll are our only
two members
to pass this very difficult rating in the past 10 years.
is another pay option that is free if you have an account. "Covered-Bridge"
Ours shows a bridge with "Covered Bridge" in letters around it.
*Add the extra 3.8% up charge if
you don't have an account and are using a credit card . Bank account or debit cards are
free if you have an account already - same charge as sending a check. Any
refunds will be for the full amount that you submitted. Zelle - send to "coveredbridgepc@gmail.com"
*Alert!! HB & H/HA members are invited to Quiz Champs even if they did not attend the Quiz Rally. Same for Eventing Champs - members who are C3 and up at time of Champs closing (noon 6/24) don't have to attend EV Rally at Beg Nov or Novice levels. Training and Modified have to have done one HT completed within the last 12 months with only one stop on XC. Let me know if anyone is interested in this option. The RS has to approve.